Scotson Fold Farm, Off George Street, Radcliffe, Manchester M26 3SQ
0161 724 9429 0161 724 1595 Email
Other useful information regarding your pet's boarding
Stop by a kennel and visit the staff. Get acquainted with the people who will be caring for your pet. Ask questions. The experienced staff at Scotson Fold Pet Care Centre are able to answer your queries and aim to reassure you that your pet is in safe hands. They are also trained to recognise the warning signs of potential health hazards and will contact a vet if they feel it is called for. It is easier for kennel personnel to detect problems than it is for the owner of the pet. If your pet does require veterinary attention whilst they are staying at Scotson Fold, you can be assured veterinary assistance will be called. Included in your pets’ boarding fee is insurance. Our insurance will cover your pet for any kennel/cattery related ailments for whilst your pet stays with us. It will not cover any pre-existing medical conditions or anything unrelated to boarding. Please note Scotson Fold cannot be held liable for any insurance excess when a client claims on their own personal pet insurance. Discuss, before boarding, any medication or special care your pet may need. Our kennels offer a certain amount of individual care (playing with, talking to, petting, your cat or dog) One standard for measuring the kennel owner's interest in his/her profession is animal group membership. Scotson Fold Pet Care Centre are members of the Pet Industry Federation (formerly The Pet Care Trade). You can be certain that Pet Industry Federation members are trying to keep current on the latest developments within the industry, and that they truly care. Make certain you understand the rate structure for all services and the hours of operation. The fee for boarding not only includes the care of your pet, but for the peace of mind that goes with knowing that your pet is safe and with caring people you can trust.
As a responsible pet owner there are a few things you must attend to before boarding. Your pet should be free of any parasites and not have been exposed to any contagious diseases. Do not feed your pet for at least 3 hours prior to kennelling to minimise the possibility of stomach upset. Separation from master and/or being in strange surroundings can produce stress in your pet, and this can result in temporary changes in behaviour. Be sure to inform the kennel staff of any special needs or medical problems your pet may have, that may aid them in keeping your pet healthy and happy.
Dogs should be prepared psychologically for boarding. It's best, of course, to begin with a pup as soon as the vaccination programme is complete. We offer "day-care" services, enabling you to leave your dog for a few hours at a time. This is an excellent way to introduce your dog to boarding. After just a few visits the dog accepts a kennel as a normal way of life.
The psychological preparation of a dog for boarding also includes getting him used to new people and experiences. This is most easily accomplished by taking them through obedience classes and occasionally boarding him. A dog who is relaxed about boarding is more likely to board well. It goes without saying that a pet owner should not cry over their dog in the kennel office upon leaving him, nor should they bring out the suitcases at home the day before the trip. You should understand that both of these things cause your dog to be unnecessarily upset!
You should be aware that some dogs carry viruses in their systems for months and begin to show symptoms only after being subjected to a stress situation. In other words, they can 'catch' a virus from themselves.
Sometimes temporary behaviour changes can occur as a result of unfamiliar surroundings. For example, Rover may tear up the bed he has slept in for years. Eating habits change under stress, and all dogs assimilate their food differently. Some will eat like canaries at home and like vultures at a kennel. They may put on a few pounds. Others can lose weight though eating well or lose weight by not eating enough. Kennel life can be very exciting, and some dogs lose weight because they run the weight off as they charge around barking at other dogs and having a wonderful time. These dogs often go home exhausted but happy, and sleep a lot the first couple of days at home. All of the preparation by the pet owner merely points out that they should recognise that successful boarding depends not only upon the kennel, but also upon how well the owner prepares their dog for the experience.
Keep in mind that cats react differently than dogs do. Cats are instinctively solitary animals. They do not run in packs like dogs. Therefore, when confronted with strange surroundings, a cat's normal response is to withdraw physically and mentally into a protected, solitary state. For this reason, cats enjoy the 'protected' feeling they get from being caged while in the boarding facility.A common reaction of cat owners to the idea of caging is 'my cat loves to run around and be outdoors'. Perhaps this is true at home but while on unfamiliar surroundings, the chalet gives the best feeling of safety. Cats exercise isometrically. This means that if a cat has enough room to stretch, (s)he can exercise every muscle in the body. When your cat is is in strange surroundings, around strange cats and strange smells, your cat will undoubtedly much prefer safety to space. Prior to boarding try to keep your cat's daily routine as normal as possible. Do not get the pet carrier out early, bring it out last thing just before the journey to the cattery. As with dogs, cats can pick up on their owners mood so try to be confident, showing them that there is nothing to cause concern. It is advisable not to feed your cat for a few hours prior to travelling to minimise the chance of travel sickness.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give set prices over the internet as the needs for each individual pet can vary greatly. Some pets may have special dietary requirements, other pets may need special medicinal requirements. Some pets may need extra grooming time depending on coat type / length whereas other pets may need extra exercise sessions. Elderly pets quite often need extra care and attention as do very young puppies and kittens.
Prices given over the telephone are only estimates, particularly regarding new pets to give us the chance to assess the needs of the pet with their owner. In addition our prices are reviewed at least once annually so, for a more accurate quote please contact Scotson Fold Pet Care Centre directly on 0161 724 9429 during business hours.
Upon collection there is no doubt that your pet will be pleased to see you. Following a few simple, easy steps will help to ease them back into home life.
Kennel life can be quite an adventure. Some dogs may charge round and bark excitedly at other dogs, having a wonderful time. These dogs often depart from the kennels exhausted but happy and may sleep a lot for the next couple of days.
Overexcitement may cause your pet to pant excessively and act thirsty. He probably isn't thirsty and will have had plenty of water whilst on his holidays at the kennels. Try giving him a couple of ice cubes to tide him over until he has settled down.
Overexcitement, as above with water, may cause your dog to act hungry. Please be aware that excessive drinking or eating may result in digestive upsets and bloating. Do not feed your pet for at least three hours after arriving back at home and then restrict/limit his food and water intake until he has settled back in.
On arrival back home, walk your dog or allow access to a yard or garden. Excitement may also cause a change in his urination or bowel movements outside his normal habits.
Give your pet some extra attention, play-time, petting or brushing may help him to calm him and get over his excitement.
Re-establish home patterns by following the normal routine. Pets like a routine; it gives them a sense of security.
After collecting your cat from her holidays, it is advisable she is kept within the house for a couple of days to allow time to re-adjust back to home life. Allow her to settle back into home life before allowing her to roam outside again.
Scotson Fold Farm, Off George Street, Radcliffe, Manchester M26 3SQ | 0161 724 9429 0161 724 1595 Click to Email
Scotson Fold Pet Care Centre Ltd. Registered in England and Wales No 6055976 - Kennel Licence No. AB0 017
Scotson Fold Pet Care Centre are members of the Pet Industry Federation and the British Kennel & Cattery Association.